The spine is an important axis of the body, the organs sit on our back. If it is not in proper alignment, it can give rise to many health problems that are not only related to the spine.
Blood and qi tend to stagnate around hurt and stressed areas of the body, obstructing proper circulation.
Surgeries, therapies and pain medication often do not combat the root problem, making it never-ending and costly to alleviate chronic pain and discomfort.
A solution for chronic pain and even correction of the spine is harnessed in Isuini Internal Martial Healing Arts training. It focuses on the self-healing aspect of the Baguazhang system, which also incorporates principles of Chinese medicine and Daoist practices for longevity.
Bagua is a slow, safe, and contained practice that builds up whole body strength through proper blood and qi flow through the tendons, joints and bones as opposed to muscle training of separate areas of the body.
It relies on strengthening one’s own standing structure in gravity without the risk of further injury from uncalculated force against external equipment such as weights, floors or walls.
Baguazhang is safe for anyone at any age and at any level of pain, the online program is personalized to each person’s needs.
Sign up for a free consultation to learn how Bagua can specifically help you align and eliminate pain and discomfort.