Date(s) - November 14 2023
9:00 am
Greetings Bagua Clan,
The online Bagua session will be held tomorrow, Tuesday November 14, 9am pst.
For this new class series starting tomorrow I will teach every week for the next two weeks.
Please check the prep instructions and questions on the session table below.
While I am experimenting with new session formats and offerings, not much will change on your end: you do not have to attend all classes in the series, you still need to confirm and pay in advance and the session cost will remain the same. I will be expanding on the dialogue about some of the topics in my book.
Bagua Online Session
Meeting link:
(meet jitsi is a free encrypted platform must be downloaded if using a mobile phone)
Tuesday November 14, 2023
9-10 am Los Angeles
11-12 am Mexico City
18-19 hrs Berlin
(please check the times in your city relative to Los Angeles time)
The sessions will be held every week for the next 2 weeks. The next sessions will be held Tuesday November 14.
Exchange per person:
$20-45 USD sliding scale
Venmo: @yunuen-R subject: “nourishment” or Pay Pal USD:
$18-42 Euros sliding scale.
Pay Pal Euros:
I look forward to train with you,
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